The 10th Annual
Jumalauta Party

August 23rd - 25th, 2024

Hämeenlinna, Finland

Welcome to Jumalauta Party! Join us as we mark our 10th year of celebrating everything Jumalauta.


August 19th, 2024

Entry submission is now open!

Entry submission is now open. Just head to Partyman, register and submit your entry. Vote key is not required to submitting entries (only for voting).

Remote entries are allowed as well.

August 10th, 2024

Timetable added

Timetable is now complete with all program. Check it out from the timetable section.

August 8th, 2024

New compo machine

We have have a new, more powerful compo machine this year. Check the specs from the compos section.

May 12th, 2024

The party is now sold out!

We have reached the maximum amount of registered visitors and the party is now officially sold out. Thanks to everyone who registered and welcome to Jumalauta party!

Payment deadline for all registered visitors is June 30th (and you should have already received payment information in the email address you entered during registration). If you already know you can't make it, please let the organizers now.

If you didn't manage to register in time, we might open a few slots later on in case there are any cancelations. Keep an eye on the JML party discord or Telegram for any information about those.

April 14th, 2024

Party registration now open!

You can now register to Jumalauta party here. Please note that because Jumalauta party usually sells out, registration does not guarantee you a spot at the party. You will receive a separate email with payment instructions at a later date from the organizers in case you got a spot reserved for you. Make sure you use a real email address. Only successful payment guarantees you a spot at the party. Entrance fee is 50€. Payment deadline is June 30th.

Registration is now closed.

March 29th, 2024

Registration to the party opens April 14th

Registration to Jumalauta Party 2024 opens on April 14th. We will post the registration link right here on the Jumalauta party website. We'll also post it on the Jumalauta Discord server and the Jumalauta party telegram group



The party will be held in Aulanko, Hämeenlinna at Aulangon Suuri Huvila.

The party place will have your usual Finnish demoparty features, like a few computer places (no reservations - first come, first served), some sleeping places (see more info under "Accommodation"), sauna, and palju. There is also a small, but fairly well equipped, kitchen with a couple of fridges (reserved mainly for your perishable food, not beer).


You can sleep at the party place if you want, but the amount of sleeping places is limited. The party place has a few shared bedrooms with 3-5 beds (about 25 beds total). If you have a specific need for a bed, please let the organizers know, otherwise it's first come, first served. There are also some sofas available in the general party area and room for tents outside (although the ground is quite uneven). Scandic Aulanko hotel is pretty close to the party place, only about 2.5km away and Hämeenlinna city center with even more hotels is not that far.

If you are sleeping at the party place, bring your own bedding. That's mandatory and won't be provided by the organizers.

If you have some special accommodation needs (e.g. if you need a power socket for a CPAP machine), please contact the organizers. Best way to reach us is in Jumalauta Discord server or Jumalauta party telegram group

Sofasceners welcome

You can join us in Jumalauta Discord server and Jumalauta party telegram group.

Remote entries

Remote entries are allowed for all official compos. You can submit your entry through Partyman.


A Twitch Stream will be available when there is something to stream. The internet connection at the party place is not that great, so the stream quality might not be great.

We will stream all the compos. We might also stream some of the other program. See party timetable for times.

Tickets and Registration

The party is now sold out and registration has been closed. Thanks to everyone who registered!

Payment deadline is June 30th, 2024.

Ticket price is 50€.

Registered visitors


General Compo Rules

  • All compos allow multiple entries by the same people.
  • You can enter your entry in multiple compos as long as other rules apply.
  • The entry must be delivered in a ZIP archive, with descriptive filenames, so it’s 100% clear which file to show/play/run.
  • You can test your productions on the compo machine before the compo.
  • Party organizers have the right to publish the compo results, with your name/nick, and all the compo entries.
  • Disqualified entries and entries not shown in the compo will not be spread.
  • If your entry can not be run on Windows, please include a video capture.
  • No purely AI generated content. AI generated can be used as a part of an entry, but the majority of the entry must be your own/group's. (excluding AI wild compo)
  • All entries will be released on after the party.

Compo Machine

Laptop, AMD Ryzen 7 6800H, GeForce RTX 3070 Ti, 16 GB RAM

Combined Demo/Intro

The main realtime demo competition. All platforms allowed, but if your entry doesn't run on Windows, please provide a video capture.


Have a wild idea for an entry that doesn’t fit in any other compo? This is the compo for it! Anything* goes, be it video, live performance, or whatever you can imagine.

*) Finnish laws may apply

Listening Music

Allowed Formats are MP3, FLAC, MOD, S3M, IT & XM. Maximum length is 4 minutes

Dance Music

Allowed Formats are MP3, FLAC, MOD, S3M, IT & XM. Maximum length is 4 minutes

If there's not enough entries, dance & listening music might be combined.


Make some awesome graphics on any platform. Hi-res, low-res, ANSI, ASCII, etc. Allowed formats for bitmap graphics are JPG & PNG. For ANSI/ASCII, we'll support anything Sahli supports.


Any photo goes here. Retouching is allowed.

AI wild

Compo for all AI generated content. You must write a description of what tools and prompts was used to make the entry to be shown on the entry slide.

Allowed formats: Audio (mp3, flac), Image (jpg, png), Video (mp4)

Maximum length: 4 minutes

Turtle Graphics

Entries are made with Once your demo is ready, press the export button on the top right to download a stand-alone turtle-export.html (does not work with Safari). Submit this file to Partyman.

Entries are presented in full screen with aspect ratio 16:9. Code will be shown to the audience briefly. You may explain your entry while it’s presented.

Feature set of the tool might still evolve before the party, but older turtle versions will be supported as well.

If you are new to turtle, here is how to get started.

Fast Music

Not your usual Fast Music compo. Details will be announced at the party.

Fast Graphics

The theme will be announced at the party place and you will have 15 minutes to make an awesome graphics entry. Entries will be shown right after the entry deadline.



18:00 Party starts

20:00 Opening Ceremony

21:30 Jumalauta Party Demo Show

Showing the best of all the past Jumalauta Parties

22:30 LIVE: JNNN

23:30 DJ: Juho9000


15:00 Deadline for Compo Block 1

17:00 Fast Graphics Compo

15 minutes to draw and enter your entry

17:30 Compo Block 1

Fast graphics, AI Wild, Photo, Turtle graphics, Listening music

19:30 Deadline for Compo Block 2

19:30 DJ: Dolmot

21:00 Compo Block 2

Fast music, Graphics, Wild, Dance music, Demo

23:00 LIVE: Basscadet

00:00 Voting ends & Prizegiving Ceremony


13:00 Party over

Stop the madness. Clean up & GTFO.

All times in EEST (GMT+3). Organizers reserve the right to adjust the timetable for any reason deemed necessary.